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这是告别辞代表 & 致词

这是告别辞代表 & 致词

祝贺 学术带头人2024届毕业生!

Two Raiders have earned their way to the head 的 class: Navin Ramesh '24 被命名为 优秀毕业生Arnav Lele '24 被命名为 致词.




祝贺 纳文·拉梅什,24岁,致告别辞的代表 for 中央天主教高中’s 2024届毕业生!

今年秋天, 纳文将就读布朗大学, where he plans to major in Environmental Studies 和 Economics.




Arnav Lele '24在图书馆

祝贺 Arnav Lele, 24岁,致告别辞 for 中央天主教高中’s 2024届毕业生!

今年秋天, Arnav will be attending the 南加州大学 (USC), 他打算在哪里主修航空航天工程.




上图,从左至右:夫人. 71年的多琳·凯勒PMA24岁的纳文·拉梅什,24岁的阿纳夫·莱莱先生. 克里斯托弗·沙利文81年.






  • 布朗大学
  • 家乡:北切姆斯福德
  • 中学:圣贞德学校,洛厄尔


  • 学生会E-Board,班长
  • 学生大使-领导力
  • 学生校友会-联席主席
  • 美国分配教育俱乐部 
    • President, Four-time National Finalist, State Champion
  • IYNA神经科学俱乐部-主席
  • 小木槌俱乐部
  • 全国荣誉学会 (NHS), NHS E-Board, President
  • 校园部
  • 越野
  • 冰上曲棍球
  • 长曲棍球
  • 愿景 文学 & 咖啡馆艺术杂志
  • 校园部
  • CCHS以外
    • 联邦应急管理局全国青年准备委员会
    • Volunteer for Sudanese American Medical Association
    • Congressional Intern for Massachusetts' 3rd District
    • 实习生招聘主管-很好
    • American Red Cross, Disaster 服务s, Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer,
    • 辅导
    • 在新英格兰的医院做志愿者.


纳文 earned several prestigious academic scholarships including being named a Coca-Cola Scholar, 柯立芝参议员, 国家优秀欧亚体育, 总统欧亚体育半决赛, 布莱恩影响欧亚体育决赛, 东北大学邮票欧亚体育, 波士顿学院加贝利欧亚体育, 波士顿大学理事欧亚体育.

目前, 纳文渴望进入医学领域, practicing either surgery or anesthesia where it is needed the most, 在美国农村和国外.

"I’m hoping to research sustainable healthcare practices 和 better pain management solutions 和 use what I learn to make change through policy."

纳文 has successfully completed 15 Advanced Placement (AP) courses 和 the AP Capstone™ Diploma Program, 和 he is also a National Merit® Scholarship winner.

当纳文得知自己被选为毕业生代表时, he was "humbled 和 overwhelmed by the affection 和 joy my family, 朋友, 老师们分享. 我很高兴我能让他们感到骄傲!"

Navin Ramesh '24,来自愿景 Coffeehouse

纳文的CCHS经验 & 教师榜样

"I’ve been academically challenged since my freshman year at CCHS," said 纳文. "Ms. 伯恩斯(Ms. 珍妮·伯恩斯,CCHS教务长) does an amazing job of creating an academic path for every student, ensuring that they are pushed beyond their comfort zone 和 reach their potential."

”也, the support of my 朋友 和 the multitude of ways I was able to engage on campus, 通过学生会, 校园部, 和俱乐部, ensured that I was well-rounded 和 had a safety net for any challenges I took on."

"All my teachers have been a huge support 和 inspiration! Ms. Burns has been a staunch supporter 和 mentor for me since before freshman year. She helped create pathways for me to explore my passions, teaching me to strive to challenge myself in school while also taking time to live life to the fullest 和 value those around me."

"Mr. 麦卡锡(Mr. 凯文·麦卡锡,学校主任 & 大学咨询)一直是锚定的存在, 和 I will always appreciate his unique perspectives, 鼓舞人心的轶事, 引人注目的角色, 还有音乐品味."

“Ms. 索纳(Ms. Stacy Ciccolo,社会研究学院) has taught me to see how policy can drive societal change. Her passion 和 mentorship foster a love for learning 和 empower us to aim to have a positive influence on society.”

"Mr. 韦尔奇(Mr. 约瑟夫·韦尔奇,90年,英语学院)及先生. 克莱门茨(Mr. 迈克尔·克莱门茨,1994年,英语学院)有独特的教学风格, 在他们的英语课上, I've developed my writer’s voice 和 become a more observant reader.

孔蒂教练(Mr. DJ孔蒂,男子冰球教练) 和 the Boys Hockey Team have given me lifelong memories 和 a truly special experience, teaching me lessons that translate beyond the ice. 此外,夫人. 莱柏瑞(夫人. 杰西卡·拉布里09级,英语系)及夫人. 汤普森(夫人. 克里斯汀·汤普森,06级,英语系) have sparked in me an interest in research, which I hope to exp和 in college 和 beyond."

"There are many, many more faculty 和工作人员 members who have made my CCHS experience special!"

拉梅什一家. 美林


纳文的妹妹, 兰贾纳·拉梅什(Ranjana Ramesh, 24岁), 是CCHS 2023届毕业生的联合致词代表.

纳文 will be joining Ranjana at 布朗大学 in the Fall 2024.


24岁的Arnav Lele站在讲台上

Arnav Lele, 24岁,致告别辞

  • 南加州大学
  • 家乡:切姆斯福德
  • 中学:圣贞德学校,洛厄尔


  • 突袭者男子大学网球队,队长
  • 学生大使
  • 全国荣誉学会
  • 美国分配教育俱乐部


Arnav has earned several academic distinctions including being named a National Merit Finalist, 一位杰出的AP欧亚体育, 和 he’s the recipient of a generous USC academic scholarship.

目前, Arnav – who aspires to enter the aerospace industry as an engineer for SpaceX 和 eventually develop a start-up company in the field - has successfully completed 11 Advanced Placement (AP) courses throughout his four years at CCHS.

当阿纳夫得知自己被任命为致敬者时, he "felt this honor had been the product of four years of my hard work 和 dedication to my academics, as well as the support 和 care of my teachers 和 fellow classmates."



"Central Catholic is special because it is more than a school community… it truly is a family,阿纳夫说.

"I will always remember how Central became a second home for me. I felt welcome 和 appreciated by all 的 faculty, 和工作人员, 他们一直很有耐心, 勤奋的, 他们的教学也很周到, 指导我在课堂上取得成功. My teachers put in a lot of time 和 effort towards their material, 和 they were always willing to review a concept or topic I was struggling with."

"My favorite part 的 CCHS community was definitely my fellow classmates - everyone brings something special to Central. I was able to meet 和 connect with students from so many different towns 和 backgrounds. Some 的se people have become my closest 朋友, 和 I am forever grateful for CCHS bringing us together."


"I was positively impacted by every teacher 和工作人员 member that I interacted with throughout my Central journey,阿纳夫说.

“我想特别提一下. 格里芬(Mr. 布莱恩·格里芬,科学老师)及先生. 鲍彻(Mr. Eric Boucher '04,数学老师) for nurturing my love of physics 和 math 和 for supporting my academic progress."

"Ms. 索纳(Ms. Stacy Ciccolo,社会研究学院), Mr. 沙利文(Mr. 克里斯托弗·沙利文,81届校长),以及凯勒校长(夫人. 71年的多琳·凯勒PMA), who have all given me much support, encouragement, 和 advice during my four years at CCHS."


Navin Ramesh '24 和 Arnav Lele '24 holding balloons

祝贺 纳文Arvan 关于他们的成就!




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